• Emiliana Conserve

      Emiliana Conserve was founded in 1985 in Busseto (Parma), in the heart of Italy’s Food Valley.

      Our tomatoes meet the requirements that give the certified sustainable supply chain ‘Emiliana 5.0’ its name.

      We guarantee quality in everything we do. Discover the certifications achieved by Emiliana Conserve.


      Emiliana Conserve directs its efforts to comply with the SA8000 and OSHAS 18001 standards.

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Social responsibility and safety policy

At Emiliana Conserve Società Agricola S.p.A. we direct our organizational and technical efforts to comply with the SA8000 and OSHAS 18001 standard requirements. To preserve and promote our reputation, we believe it is crucial that all our shareholders, employees, partners, and various other individuals comply with our ethical principles and codes of conduct. We will not enter into any business relationship with anyone not complying with these guidelines. The basic principles and values that guide our company concerning health of workers and social responsibility are:

  • Fair, transparent and legit relationships with suppliers and all relevant parties
  • Consistency of values, strategies and behaviors
  • Technological innovation

This is stated in the requests made to suppliers and in the code of ethics.

Social Responsibility Policy

Our company is committed to complying with all the requirements of the SA8000 standard and the ILO conventions.

In particular, our effort is focused on:

  • Child labor: compliance with mandatory regulations prohibiting its practice.
  • Compulsory labor: not using or facilitating compulsory labor in any way.
  • Health and safety: providing a safe and healthy workplace.
  • Freedom of association: respect the right of workers to join and form trade unions.
  • Discrimination: prohibit any form of discrimination, including exclusion or preference based on race, gender, age, religion, political opinion, nationality or social class.
  • Disciplinary Procedures: employees must be treated with dignity and respect in all situations.
  • Working Hours: overtime work is performed only at certain times of the year and only for particular tasks, always by prior agreement of the parties.
  • Respect of collective agreements as agreed with trade unions. Remuneration: ensure gender equality for the same job. This right applies also during recruitment, resignation, promotion, and training. The salary complies with what is provided by law.
  • Remuneration: ensure gender equality for the same job. This right applies also during recruitment, resignation, promotion, and training. The salary complies with what is provided by law.

The company’s directors are committed to ensuring that the social responsibility policy and the code of ethics are made available to all employees and to sharing their contents with them. The dissemination of these documents and principles takes place through periodic meetings, display on the company notice board, as an annex to the pay slip or the employment contract. Directors are committed to undertaking periodic reviews to test the effectiveness of the management system and are in charge of writing the SA8000 Report or social report every year.

The ethical principles, including policy, code and social report, are then disclosed externally in different ways.

EMILIANA CONSERVE S.p.A. is committed to ensuring that Workplace Safety is strictly complied by the company’s directors. For this reason, we have decided to adopt a workplace health and safety management system in compliance with OHSAS 18001:2007 as we are aware that the workplace safety management responsibility involves the entire company organization, each in their own capacity. Il reclamo etico è uno strumento messo a disposizione delle parti interessate e dei dipendenti al Sistema di Responsabilità Sociale ,per segnalare eventuali disfunzioni attinenti i requisiti dello standard SA8000.

Le segnalazioni possono essere inoltrate all’Azienda tramite:
e-mail: SA8000@emilianaconserve.it
Tel Emiliana Conserve: 052491742
posta ordinaria: Emiliana Conserve via Vivaldi 7 Busseto ( PR) indirizzate all’attenzione degli RLSA.

Inoltre, se i suddetti strumenti non dovessero risultare sufficienti, sussiste la possibilità di sottoporre le segnalazioni inerenti la Responsabilità Sociale anche all’Ente di Certificazione SGS (e-mail:sa8000@sgs.com) che è stato incaricato da Emiliana Conserve di verificare la conformità e adeguatezza del proprio Sistema di Gestione per la Responsabilità Sociale ai requisiti della norma SA8000 e/o a SAAS (e-mail:saas@saasaccreditation.org) che rappresenta l’organizzazione di accreditamento che coordina e controlla l’attività degli enti di certificazione accreditati per le attività di certificazione SA8000 .

Tutti i dati saranno gestiti in accordo alla norma di trattamento dei dati personali.

Workplace Health and Safety Policy

EMILIANA CONSERVE S.p.A. is committed to ensuring that Workplace Safety is strictly complied by the company’s directors. For this reason, we have decided to adopt a workplace health and safety management system in compliance with OHSAS 18001:2007 as we are aware that the workplace safety management responsibility involves the entire company organization, each in their own capacity.

The workplace health and safety POLICY focuses on the following basic principles:

  • Ensuring compliance with current legislation.
  • Pursuing the objectives of continuous improvement.
  • Pursuing objectives on prevention.
  • Safeguarding and enhancing worker safety.
  • Monitoring the company’s performance and activities concerning workplace health and safety.

To achieve the above goals, EMILIANA CONSERVE S.p.A. commits to:

  • Considering workplace health and safety and its practices as an integral part of company management.
  • Planning activities aimed at preventing possible accidental events and safeguarding the health and safety of workers with the purpose of preventing and reducing accidents in the workplace and the emergence of occupational diseases.
  • Providing the human and instrumental resources necessary for health and safety management.
  • Raising awareness amongst employees about safety issues and training them to perform their duties safely and take on their responsibilities with regard to workplace safety.
  • Providing information, education and training to staff in order to allow workers to work safely.
  • Raising awareness on workplace safety issues within the company.
  • Involving and consulting employees on issues related to workplace safety, including through the collaboration of the Health and Safety Representative.
  • Periodically reviewing the policy and the management system implemented.
  • Defining and disseminating workplace safety objectives and related implementation programs.

To maintain and improve the results achieved in these areas, it is vital to ensure the participation and committed cooperation of the entire staff. The safety and health of workers must be safeguarded by everyone’s commitment and constitute a moral responsibility.

The company’s directors define objectives and programs with the obligation to review them periodically and evaluate the results achieved, as well as identify new ones in accordance with the principle of continuous improvement of management and performance.


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